Medical aid
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March 28, 2017

The Srimaan Trust, Srirangam conducts various Health Camps in order to
- Create awareness
- Identify the patients’ problem
- Help the patient to obtain treatment at an affordable rate.
The Details of Medical Aids rendered by the Srimaan Trust are:
- Eye camp
Dental camp
- General Health
- Women Health camp
- Reiki camp
- Purchasing medicines for downtrodden people
- Surgical help
Women play a significant role in the society. In the world everything is personified with women. For instance, when we refer to the nation we associate with Bharatha matha. In the order of “Matha,pitha, guru and deivam” the mother i.e the woman takes the first place. So everything and everywhere woman takes the lead.
“Charity begins at home” is a proverb which explains a person starts doing anything from home can contribute to the nation too in the similar path. Words cannot express the woman’s deed in each and every aspect in the family as well as to the society.
Women is an embodiment of physical, social and also emotional who contribute a lot to the world selflessly and she works round the clock for the family and for the society. Her deeds are more without any expectation for her own.
How the woman is respected or taken care by the family or in the society. Our Srimaan Trust understands the the strength of the women and also the need of the women. Hence it is decided to take care of them by organizing Medical Camp.
Hence on February 5, 2017, SRIMAAN TRUST organized a free woman’s medical checkup and treatment camp to provide healthcare support to residents of local village. The Medical camp was organized at Thirunagar School,Mannachanallur Village .More than around 250 people from Mannachanallur & nearby villages were benefitted from this noble work. A team of doctors, paramedical staff, NSS volunteers from the colleges and trust volunteers rendered their services in the camp.
Eyes are the most important organ. So regular eye check up camps are conducted regularly.
It is very important to safeguard the teeth as many nerves are connected. Moreover it is very important the food must be bitten and chewed well for a better digestion. Hence, dental camps are organised.
In the human body various Heath hazards occur due to either decrease and increase of blood pressure etc. So the general health check ups are conducted.
The Srimaan Trust identifies the low income group people and extends hands by providing medicines to them.
God comes in the form of human beings. As per that , The Srimaan Trust helps the people those who require help for surgical.
Each and everyone in the world likes to possess the greatest treasure. It’s nothing but “A sound mind in a sound body”. How to obtain it? Which is the right method? We ponder over. Yet do we get a concrete reply to it? Now a days media plays a predominant role by flinging so many ideas which makes us still more confused.
But everyone believes in the power of God strongly. No body can deny it.
So to acquire the greatest treasure of health one needs spirituality which is abound in the treatment of “Reiki”.Most of the people are not aware of this treatment.
It is a form of treatment without any medicine. The therapist can transfer the energy into the body of a patient through the palms of the healer. The patients may have problems related to the emotions or physique. The healers treat the patients by making them feel at ease by gaining the energy from the cosmos through their palms.
The Srimaan Trust undertakes numerous activities and always works for the betterment of the public. As villages are the backbone of the nation, the Trust takes steps quite often. One such tremendous mile stone for them was on August 17th and 18th. They called on
Indian Reiki Center, Chennai and seven healers reached Srirangam from Chennai and Kumbakonam. Their services were rendered at Melur and Manachanallur with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm.
Many people who were with ailments and stress were treated and relieved greatly.
The volunteers of the Srimaan Trust served in the camp with a smile on their faces and rendered their service whole heartedly.
The Srimaan Trust always contributes for the welfare of the being generously and also with passion. The Trust made us to realize the saying “Health is wealth”.
Their service and any nature of their work is combined with spirituality which is awe inspiring.
It is the bounded duty of every one to support the services of the Srimaan Trust.
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- Srimaan Trust, #231, South Uthara Street, Srirangam, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620006
+91-91-5040 3471
+91-91-5040 3470 -