Gurukulam / Vedic School
Authentic way of learning Vedas
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Divya Desam Trip - Gurukulam Children

March 09 2022 – Srimaan Trust ayodhya gurukulam children are on Divya Desam trip in and around Madurai. They will be having Divya darshan of Thirukoodalazhagar, Thirumaliruncholai Kalazhagar, Thirumoghur Kalamega Perumal and Srivilliputhur Vadabadrasai Perumal.
Gurukulam at srirangam
Gurukulam – There are many Gurukulams running in our country. Then why did the Trust choose to run a Gurukulam? Gurukulams teach children Vedas, Aagamas and such other things. But when the children graduate out of the Gurukulam, they have no other option than to use this knowledge for their livelihood. Slowly , from being pure imparters and providers of spiritual service, the mind moves to money. This primarily is due to the fact that they do not have any other means to make a living. The Sastras say that the Vedic scholar’s concentration should be on the Omniscient Supreme and and on the well being of the society. Only when he is pure will the mantras and yaagas performed by him fetch the powerful results they ought to produce. But unfortunately, Gurukulams are designed in such a manner that children graduate out with only the textual knowledge sans the wisdom that should have accompanied it. Still further, they are made to ike out a living with the Vedic knowledge alone. Slowly the purity of thought and purpose rusts and monetary benefits take priority in their minds. In short, they become like us.
With the view to curb such a deterioration of our spiritual legacy, a Gurukulam was formed by Shri Poojaneya Badribhattar Swamy. Here, the children are taught the most important lesson that a pursuer of spirituality needs to know;The art of being contended with what they have and carry the conviction that spiritual wealth is the highest wealth in their possession.
The children are taught Vedas, Aagamas, Shlokas, divya prabandham, Yoga. They learn how to administer a temple. They are taught the temple form of cooking. A child will master every aspect of service at temple.In addition ,private teachers are deployed to instruct them on Math, Science, Languages, History and Geography. The chidren write their 10th and 12th Board exams. Side by side, each child is screened for his innate talent and based on this, he is taught a skill set for life ( like DTP ).
Once out of the Gurukulam ( after 7 years), the child will be a veritable schloar in the Vedic field and will also be equipped with a skill set to make a living. Each child will travel to an unaided temple and look after it for his lifetime. The Trust will set up an office for him whereby he will make out a private living with his skill set. Thus, he will lead pious life looking after the deities at the temple for most part of the day and sharing his knowledge to the locals. It will be a win-win situation where temples will be looked after, the life of a vedic scholar made and a huge amount of God’s Grace on the society( us) that aids in looking after His adode. In addition, every act of thiers ( like Homam) for the benefit of someone will become extremely successful due to their unadulterated devotion. We have recently witnessed a slice of their devotion and its divine effect when they conducted a Sudarshana Homam. At the end of the Homam, Lord Krishna made an appearance in the Agni to the bafflement of all the onlookers. An accompalished scholar stated that appearance of Krishna in agni is a very rare event and a definite proof that the Supreme was more than happy at the Homam performed. So much for their devotion.
children at present at the Gurukulam in the age group of 7- 15. They come from different parts of the country like Andhra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
Gurukulam at Ayodhya
There are a number of Gurukulams in North India, especially varanasi, Ayodhya etc. More than 100 Gurukulams are there in Ayodhya. What the students learn from Gurukulam doesn’t help them to lead a spiritual, unselfish, society beneficial life. The very basic concept of Gurukulam fails once it doesn’t inculcate into the minds of students of a selfless srivaishnava life. Knowledge with out practice (gnyanam with out anushtanam) is of little benefit to the student and the society too.
Our Gurukulam is concerned to teach the children to know and adopt the real srivaishnava life.
Each student when he completes the course of 8 years will become a role model for the others ro be attracted towards our ancestral knowledg
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