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March 28, 2017

What is Divya Darshanam?
It is a spiritual exhibition.
It seeks to illustrate, in the form of models, multimedia presentations, and live performances, the various aspects of Srivaishnava Sampradayam. This spiritual exhibition has been organized into different branches, each one presenting to its audience a comprehensive view of its respective subject matter. The groups are as follows:
A crisp introduction to the Vedas and their importance
Narayana Paratvam
Srishti, its various forms and their explanations
The object is to get the audience acquainted these concepts of the Vedas, so that their relevance and indefatigable knowledge is made clear.
Vishnu Purana
Kaisika Purana
You will be surprised to know that several predictions made by the Vishnu Purana for the Kali Yuga have come true, to the letter. Some of these predictions are numbingly accurate, and shall be revealed at the exhibition.
We present the Ramayana as a ‘Saranagathi Grantha’. It’s hidden focus on the concept of ‘Saranagathi’ is brought out in a simple and effective manner.
We focus on the Lord’s ‘Kalyana Gunas’ or ‘Divine Attributes’, which dazzle in all their brightness in the Mahabharatha.
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Tamil Nadu – Tiruchi
Special Correspondent
Tiruchi: Under the auspices of Srimaan Trust, a three-day State level spiritual exhibition, `Divya Dharshanam’, will be held at Srirangam from December 29. The objective of the exhibition is creating awareness among children and members of the public on spiritualism, peace and cultural values.
Models and charts on 108 Divyadesams and other important temples prepared by students from Tiruchi, Salem, Chennai, Erode and Madurai will be displayed at the expo. Students will explain the details of the models prepare by them and the best among them will be selected for special award, according to Parasara Badrinarayanan, president of the Trust.
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The spiritual exhibition ‘Divya Darshanam’ went through its inaugural day on 29 th December 2006, at Chittrambalam Memorial School on East Adayvanjalan Street in Srirangam, Trichy.
The main event of the morning was the inaugural speech by SrirangaNarayana Jeer Swamy, pontiff of the Srirangam Mutt . Jeer Swamy was all praise for Srimaan Trust and its founder Sri. U.Ve. Parasara Badrinarayana Bhattar Swamy. He admired Badri Bhattar Swamy’s dedication towards the upliftment of sampradayam, and commented that it is very rare to come across such men, among whom can be included the names of Nanjeeyar and Parasara Bhattar, who would show scant interest for Emberumaan’s sevai, but would strive wholeheartedly for the betterment of Srivaishnava Sampradayam.
Bhattar Swamy and his team of dedicated volunteers ensured that every student of Srimaan Trust had a learning role to play in the exhibition. The kids were looking forward to the start of their show with much enthusiasm, and they looked a confident lot as they settled into their various positions, dressed in pancha kuccam, paavadai ; some with nervous smiles, some rehearsing their lines, and others breaking out into giggles every few minutes or so.
On the ground floor of the exhibition was the Divya Desams section, where every inch of wall space was covered with beautiful charts depicting the 108 Divya Desams with a brief description of each and a photo of the Divya Desam Perumal for good measure. There were also some fantastic models of Divya Desam Kovils such as Tiruvellikeni, Srirangam, Thirupathi, Badri, Thiruvananthapuram, Srivilliputtur etc. The idea was to have one Divya Desam model From each territorial zone where Divya Desams are located, such as Chola Nadu, Pandya Nadu etc. The models of Srirangam and Tiruvellikeni were done with great attention to detail, and a legend by the side provided valuable information about various Sannidhis, Gopurams, Mantapams etc., which were numbered neatly on the models. Children of Srimaan Trust were waiting by the models to explain them thoroughly, and were also well versed with the Divya Desams and ready to provide information and assistance.
On the first floor there were four sections: ‘Azhwars’, ‘Acharyas’, ‘Science and Religion’, and ‘Vidwans of Srivaishnava Sampradayam.’ Special mention must be made here of the ‘Azhwars’ and ‘Acharyas’ sections, for they took the audience by storm. Little kids of no more than 6 to 8 years of age were displaying impeccable eloquence and mastery over their topic matter, each of them in the guise of the Azhwar or Acharya whom they talked about. Jeer Swamy was heartily surprised and lauded Srimaan Trust and the children for this beautiful depiction of our grand Srivaishnava Parampara. ‘Science and Religion’ had some interesting vedic maths charts, and a model displaying the Bhopal Gas Tragedy showed how one of the families in the vicinity of the toxic leak was not affected by it, having performed agnihotram. ‘Vidwans of Srivaishnava Sampradayam’ showcased great vidwans like Khadi Ananthachar swamy, Annangarachariar Swamy, Karpankadu Venkatachariar Swamy etc. through charts that were explained fluently by the children in that section.
On the second floor arrangements had been made for a ‘home theatre’ experience, and movies were screened on the concepts of Sristi, Pralaya, Vishnu Purana, Kaisika Purana etc. This section received a great response from the adults in the crowd as well, many of whom were baffled by the various topics that were discussed in the film, such as the various aspects and stages of Sristi etc. The shows were held at regular intervals and attracted a steady inflow of eager viewers.
All in all, the first day of ‘Divya Darshanam’ proved to be a promising start for the three day event, which hopes to showcase in the best possible manner the brilliance and beauty of Srivaishnava Sampradayam. A grand state level inter-school competition has been arranged on the second day of the event, which will draw schools from Erode, Salem, Chennai,Trichy etc. We hope that this three day event will be a pleasurable experience for the visitors, and though any attempt at trying to showcase Srivaishnava Sampradayam falls short of it’s true splendour, we believe that the kids here at Bhattar Kuzham are showing great promise as the future adiyars who will help this Sampradayam grow and flourish.
A Humble Appeal:
We the members of Kainkarya Sree request the bhaagavathas and patrons of Srimaan Trust to contribute towards this endeavor wholeheartedly and assure its success. We are a non-profit, purely charitable Trust and we depend on the goodwill and support of patrons and well-wishers for such initiatives. Though we have sought sponsorships from many Companies and corporates for this event, very few have come forward. The expenditure for this event has already run up to Rs. 50,000 on the first day, and is expected to be Rs. 1 lakh for all three days. Please contribute generously and help make this event a grand success.
Contributions to our Divine faith commenced from the vedic age. The Vedas, fundamental source document of our sampradayam have 2 unique qualifications.
(ii) Apourusheyam – Not authoured by an individual and hence they are flawless.
Vedas clearly state the basic underlying principles of our faith and hence vedam is said to be the Pradana Pramanam of our faith. Narayana Parathvam, thatvatriyam, artha panchakam etc. are clearly stated in the vedic text.
Followed by the vedas, the Ithihasas and Puranas have also poured their contributions to our divine faith.
Azhwars, the Divine dravida saints with their mighty 4000 hyms (Nalayira Divyaprabandham) described each and every aspect of our sampradayam. The 4000 hyms stood as a major contribution to our sampradayam the followed by the magnanimous works of poorvacharyas (Stotras, rahasya granthas, vyakyanam etc.)
All the above contributions are thrown to light only because of the various scholars, philosopheres and sages of the past and present.
To bring the wide contributions under one roof and to enlighten the people with the same Srimaan Trust organised a Spiritual Exhibition called Divya Darshanam .
Divya darshanam comprised of various stalls on Vedas, Ithihasas, Puranas, Azhwars, Acharyas, Vidwans and Science and Religion.
Children of Srimaan Bhattar Kuzham became the 12 Divine saints, the 18 Holy Acharyas, the sages valmiki and vyasa etc. and spoke about their contributions to our faith.
Other than their explanation charts containing the details of Azhwars, Acharyas and 32 Vidwans were displayed.
The Divine attribute of Lord Krishna like Soushelyam, Soulabyam, Vatsalyam etc. personified and spoke about themselves.
Children also beautifully explained the various Sharanagati’s found in Sri Ramayanam.
A wonderful Multimedia presentation on Vishnu Puranam and Kaiseka Puranam was made to make the Public learn the greatness of the same .
Other than these, a stall on the 108 Vaishnava Divya Desangal was put up. This stall had eye feasting charts on all the 108 Divya Desangal, fantastic models on Srirangam, Srivilliputtur, Thiruvananthapuram and thiruvellikeni temples.
One could finish his 108 Divya Desa yatra just by visiting this stall. Small kids explained each and every Divya Desam with respect to its sthala puranas, Perumal, Thayar Thirunamam, Vimanam, Mangalasasanam etc. This stall received the best stall award.
One more unique aspect of Divya Darshanam was the State Level Model Presentation Competition on ” THE EPICS ” – Very Essential in Today’s Life.
Various schools across the State participated in this event. Padma Sheshadri School, Chennai won the First Prize for its model on Ramayana.
A Stall on Science and Religion was put up. Classic explanations and models on the Science behind Sampradayic Practices were presented. In addition there was an Excellent Demo on Vedic Mathematics.
Another Novel event in this expo was Sampradaya Games. Computer Games, Tambola, Personility Identification, Crosswords all based on our sampradayam were presented. This made many learn sampradayam very easily while playing the games.
This expo became a wonderful paradise for a wide display of Cassettes, CDs and Books of various Upanyasakas and authors respectively.
This Show was inagurated by H.H SRIRANGA NARAYANA JEEYAR SWAMY. Swamy’s Divine visit gave an auspicious look the show. Swamy patiently visited all the stalls and listened to the children and showered his blessing.
This 3 day show had a wide range of visitors. People apart from enjoying, learnt more about sampradayam. The show ended with a Valedictary function. Reviyard Acharya Purushas Mudaliyandan Swamy, Parasara Azhagia Singha Bhattar Swamy and Periya Nambi swamypresided over and distributed prizes. Variety entertainment programme was also arranged.
The curtains drawn after a long and sweat vote of thanks by Parasara Badri Narayana Bhattar Swamy.
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- Srimaan Trust, #231, South Uthara Street, Srirangam, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620006
+91-91-5040 3471
+91-91-5040 3470 - srimaantrust@gmail.com