Marriage help
About 8 years back, when one of our Srimaan Trust volunteers visited a small village to organise a medical camp, when she came across one needy Brahmin family trying hard to make its both ends meet. The brahmin family comprised of a Swamy, his wife and five daughters. Srimaan Trust took got an opportunity to change the living conditions of this family.
Donating money or groceries will help them sustain a day or two, but what about their long term needs and sustainability? Hence trust brought the family to Srirangam, provided good education to their children, provided groceries and a decent accommodation.
Trust also decided to make them earn a livelihood by initiating the process of teaching Aagama Shastras to the Swamy (father of those kids) .The trust provided an employment for the mother @ the trust office itself.A monthly stipend to care of their other needs was also provided.
Today, the 8 years hard and dedicated work has fructified. The Swamy after finishing his study in Aagama Shastras, is now employed in one of the Sannidhis in Srirangam as an ‘Archaka Swamy’. He got two of his daughters married and has started leading a satisfied and peaceful life. The other daughters are also growing up well with the values of Sanantha Dharma.
Srimaan Trust requests all the members to bring to our notice any of such needy Brahmins, so that we can all work together to set up a peaceful and happy life for them.
There is a famous adage in many languages, suggesting, “How difficult it is to conduct wedding or to build a house”. Feeling the pinch of the former, Shri U.Ve. Kalyanaraman Bhattachar Swamy of Thirumogur had approached Srimaan Trust for assistance to perform the wedding of his second daughter.
Sri Bhattachar has been tirelessly and selflessly serving the lord for the past 35 years. He had recently conducted the marriage of his elder daughter and had to undergo an eye operation too.
Srimaan Trust, with the belief that everything runs at the behest of Sri Ranganatha, agreed to help the swamy by pledging it’s support for the purchase of “Thirumangalyam”. True to the belief, blessed donors came forward and joined hands with Srimaan Trust.
By the benign grace of the Divine Couple and their ever ready Adiyars, Srimaan Trust could keep up it’s commitment by donating the “Thirumangalyam” in time for the marriage.
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Things given to Needy People for Marriage Help

- Education
- Goshalai
- Temples
- Food
- Health care
- Spiritual
- Vasthra dhanam
- Old age home
- Games
- Women empowerment
Contact Us
- Srimaan Trust, #231, South Uthara Street, Srirangam, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620006
+91-91-5040 3471
+91-91-5040 3470 -