Protecting cows
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Protecting cows
Remember our childhood days, when we use to write essays on Cow in our schools!! Well, lot has been said and written about cow and its importance. Apart from the products which we get from the cow like milk, curd, butter, ghee, paneer, cheese and so on, the medicinal value of the cow’s products are coming into light now. There were days in our history when a person’s or even a nation’s wealth was measured by the number of cows possessed. Though Ayurveda has been shouting on top of its voice about the usefulness of cow’s products and its medicinal value, the rapid urbanization, life style and western influence on our thought process has had its detrimental influence on the way we have treated cow.
All has not been lost. The awareness and understanding of the cow and its usefulness has been on the rise in the last few years. The need to pass on this invaluable information to the next generation is now seen as an urgent necessity. People are coming to terms and have started accepting the facts our Vedas, rishis and forefathers told. Cow is slowly getting back its recognition and the respect which it has deserved. It could be religious, social or commercial cause, Cow in India is slowly regaining its lost glory.
Srimaan Trust, as you are all aware, has been serving various social causes. One such is protecting cow and its esteem. Srimaan Trust has a “Goshala” intending to protect cows and bring out it’s usefulness to people. Starting from milk and all its byproducts, Srimaan Trust has been highlighting the benefits and medicinal use of cow’s byproducts. Today, the support for our organic venture is also derived from this “Goshala” in the form of organic manure.
Anbil Goshalai Meet -- 03.07.2024

Dwadasi Go poojai @ Govardhan Goshalai -- 03.07.2024
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