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March 28, 2017

Tirupavai occupies a unique stage in our Srivaishnava sampradayam. The 30 pasurams are always sung in the month of Margazhi in the nook and corner of our Bharata Desam. Even it got extended in foreign countries where Srivaishnavas reside. The truth behind Andal words “Engum tiruvarul Petru Inburuvar” is seen in the whole world. Do you know the age of Andal when she sung Tirupavai? She was only 5 years! But fully matured in Bhakti! Hence, even now we are able to see kutti adiyars singing tirupavai in the early morning, circumambulating the Sanidis.
Our Srimaan Trust always willing to create platform for youngsters to perform. Hence, we are really fortune to organize the whole month upanyasam
When we wish to attain a certain end, it is for us to put a foot forward, make that crucial leap, tread that tedious path and bear all the hardships. The germination of a wish in our mind is only the beginning. This is how the normal world functions. But in the world where we realize and regard the presence of Srimannarayana, laws change. The wishes of Bhakthas are taken up by the Lord for execution.
The “ THIRUPPAVAI UPANYASAM” and THONDIN AARADHANAI turned out to be a memorable event last year. 35 persons from different walks of kainkaryam were honoured on each day of Maargazhi month. Each of them was requested to share the joy of the kainkaryam they were performing. It was a true inspiration to hear 80 year old women describe the way they are serving the Lord; 80 year old Vedic scholar teaching Vedas despite blindness of the eyes; a person rescuing Lord Rama from Rameshwaram and building a temple for Him in Chennai. The list went on…
At the end of last year’s Thiruppavai and Thondin aaradhanai, we made a wishful thinking that the following year should have atleast 4 thiruppavai upanyasams. The wish was taken up by the Supreme Being and this year it has materialized into 6 Thiruppavai upanyasams. The upanyasakars are a mix of young and elderly scholars.
Srirangam – Sri U.Ve.Bharathan swamy :
The locals of Srirangam are very familiar with this swamy. Young and wisdom filled, he completed education at Chennai. While pursuing the final stage of a professional course, a spark occurred in him and he chose the path of spirituality. Completing his Shoromani at Chennai, he settled in Srirangam to undergo kalakshepams at the feet of revered scholars. His daily life is filled with teaching and kalakshepams.
Chennai – Triplicane- Sri U.Ve.Dr.M.A.Venkatakrishnan swamy :
This Swamy needs no introduction. He is a pillar of the present day sampradayam. His kainkaryam included adhyapaka kainkaryam at SriParthasarthy temple, running Geethacharyan Magazine, writing books, bringing rare books to print, uninterrupted Kalakshepams and upanyasams, training the young generation in the Kalakshepa-parampara. It is indeed a honour to have his upanyasam organized by the Trust.
Chennai – Tambaram- Sri U.Ve.SriVallaban swamy :
SriVallaban swamy is the son of Sri U.Ve.K.B.Devarajan swamy. Having secured his Masters in Social Work, he joined TVS as HR for employment. He has given over 1000 speeches during his Under and Post Graduation period and has received award from the Union Finance Minister under the ‘Kamban Kazhagam’ banner. During his college days, he adopted a village filled with drunkard men. Due to these men, their children suffered and no school had 100% pass percentage. SriVallaban swamy went with a battalion of students and in a year made all the children complete their 10th and 12th standards. SriVallaban swamy has undergone kalakshepams under his revered father/scholar. The Tiruppavai upanyasam of Sri Srivallaban swamy is organized by Srimaan Trust and Azhagiya Manavalamamunigal kainkarya sabha.
Srivilliputtur – Sri U.Ve.Vinjimoor Venkatachariar swamy :
Sri Venkatachariar swamy, better known as Vinjimoor swamy is an acharya purusha of Srivilliputtur. His initial years of education were at Singam Iyangar paatashala. He joined the Mylapore Sanskrit college and obtained a shiromani in Vyakarana. He further secured an M.A in Sankrit at Vivekananda college,Mylapore,Chennai. The entire period of education was interspersed with Kalakshepams under his father/acharyan. He later learnt all the granthas under his Father. And from 2008, he began teaching the works of Azhwars and Acharyas online. His teaching begins at 7:30 a.m to 1p.m and resumes at 3p.m and goes on till 10p.m. The beneficiaries of his classes live across the globe. It is indeed a great inspiration for all to see a young swamy perform such dedicated selfless kainkaryam.
Karur – Sri U.Ve.Raghavan swamy :
Sri Raghavan swamy is an elderly person living at Srirangam. He began listening to kalakshepams at an advanced age. He underwent rigorous training under the guidance of Sri.U.Ve.Narasimhachariar swamy, SriU.Ve.Tirumalacharia swamy, SriThiruppullani Sundararajan swamy and other vidwans. At this age of 68, he assented to our request and has begun Tiruppavai at Karur.
Hyderabad- Sri U.Ve. E.B.Sriram swamy :
The first Tiruppavai was organized by Srimaan Trust with this swamy. He is the son of Vidwan Sri U.Ve.Elayavilli Bhuvarahachariar swamy. Having undergone tutelage under his father, Sriram swamy took to Kalakshepams and Upanyasam. His son Sri Elayavilli Satajith too has plunged into the discourse arena.
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- Srimaan Trust, #231, South Uthara Street, Srirangam, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620006
+91-91-5040 3471
+91-91-5040 3470 - srimaantrust@gmail.com