Dharma upanayanam
Recent News

March 28, 2017
Recent News

Fervor on etiquettes
Two students of SRIMAAN BHATTAR GURUKULAM had not undergone their sacred function of Upanayanam. But the boys were very enthusiastic and were requesting ammangar and swami to perform the orthodoxical etiquette. At a stage they began to importune for the same and ammangar and swami were pleased their eagerness and arranged the upanayanam to be performed at the gurukulam itself.
The upanayanam function was arranged in a grandway on 24th June. All the usual orthodox and customary practices were observed – Goshti, Thadiyaradhana, Udhaka Shanthi, Kumara Bhojanam, Yagnopaveeth Dharanam, etc. Many Acharya purushas, Vidwans and well wishers assembled to bless the vadus. Everyone who came to know about the children’s enthusiasm in learning were surprised and very much pleased.
All children of SRIMAAN BHATTAR GURUKULAM celebrated the function just like their family festival. It was very delightful to see the brightness and pleasure on the faces of innocent kids. After the orthodoxical etiquettes were over a series of upanyasams was performed by the students.
Suresh described of the SOWSEELYAM of Sriman Narayana,
The upanyasams were prepared by the students on their own and it was really unbelievable for the least time they had taken and the best narrations they have performed. If revealed the skills hidden under their innocent faces and everyone appreciated their talents very much. The fervor of the children to learn the etiquettes and to adhere to them is the fruition of the blessings of SriRenganatha and SriRenganachiyar along with the blessings of the Acharyas.
Swami and Ammangar were appreciated of their part to be the impetus for the children and swami dedicated the praises to the teachers of the gurukulam.
Now, the children, after their Upanayanam have begun to importune swami and ammangar to arrange Samashrayanam for them.
Divya Dampathi of Srirangam shall shower torrents of blessings to all of them for a long, peaceful, happy, healthy and content life.
The word upanayanam means to bring near. A child, who reaches the age where his mind settles for streamlined learning (usually 7), is introduced to Supreme Knowledge. He is sent on a mission to know reality, to know oneself and to know the Resident Being within the self. This mission is grandly inaugurated with the sacred thread ceremony. Just as a bird has two births, one from the mother as an egg and then breaking out of the egg, a thrai varnikas have two births, one from the womb of the mother and another from the womb of illusion (Maya of the Supreme).
But a family needs to expend substantial monetary resource for conducting the upanayana ceremony. Unfortunately, some parents find it very difficult to do so due to financial constraints. It is the duty of the society to take up the cause of these children and perform their sacred thread ceremony.
One such effort of the Trust has culminated in the organization of upanayana ceremony of two young bubbling children viz. Sudarshan (10 years old) & Satyanarayanan (17 years old). The children are from Salem.The function was held at Sourashtra chattaram, South Uthra street, Srirangam . The udagashanthi was held yesterday at 5pm in the presence of all the relatives of the children and the volunteers of our Trust. The upanayana ceremony was held today at 9.30am. The entire hall was filled with the divinity of the ceremony and the children were extremely enthusiastic. All their thirst to become brahmacharis as sanctioned by the Sastras was evident from their eyes.
Hope all such children with financial difficulties are brought to the notice of the Trust by the Lord of Srirangam. The Trust has been fortunate to have organized dharma upanayanams for minimum two children each year. All aasthikas are requested to bless the children with their whole heart . Our Founder Acharya lectured the children and the family on the importance of upanayanam, the life to be led after upanayam and the importance of doing sandhya vandhanam and samithadaanam everyday. The volunteers of the Trust will not stop with conducting the ceremony. They will keep a lifelong check whether the children perform sandhya vandanam thrice a day.
The entire ceremony can be seen here in the link :
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